Thursday, June 5, 2014

Summer Festivals, Farmer's Markets, & Craft Fairs

I hope this summer is full of festivals, farmer's markets, and craft fairs. I have a farmer's market in Sumner, Mississippi to go to today. I'll be there from 3:00 - 6:00PM. I also have another festival that I might be attending as a vendor, but other plans may get in the way of that event. I love the one-on-one atmosphere of events such as these because the artist and the viewer are together and the experience can be more personal than some big-shot, slick backhaired curator trying to convince you that this piece dips one of a kind, but the tag says #556 of #1,000. I have a few other special events that are planned to happen this summer. More info will be released when I gather all the info and supplies!!! Stay tuned for some awesome news!!!