Saturday, December 28, 2013

Rust or Bust

    I sometimes think that I was born in the wrong decade. I love old things, but I'm a new soul; only seventeen years old. I find a solice in all things old, vintage, antique, and odd. My love for old things comes from being brought up in the Mississippi delta and being taught to appreciate the value and pourpose of things. For me it's RUST or BUST! I also love making art out of things that once were shiny, but over its lifetime, has weathered, rusted, or has been forgotten. Art to me speaks in volumes when it comes truly from the artist's heart. Art to me is also like species; there are many different styles, forms, and shapes of art.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

My New Hobby: Jewelry Making

I have been making salvaged and repurposed jewelry for a little while now. Piecing this and that together to make minimalist and statement pieces. I have made necklaces, bracelets, broaches, and earrings. I love the thrill of making something new from something old. I love mixing something shiny with something tarnished; a little bone with a little rust. That's how I came up with the name Bone&Rust Art Co. My mom let me pick out what I wanted for Christmas since I'm older and don't want toys. We ended up at Jo-Ann's. I picked out some necklace and bracelet chains, some beads, charms, some blank kraft cards, letter stamps, and a black ink pad. I had fun rummaging through all the jewelry making supplies. I can't wait to open it all Wednesday and start designing new pieces with what she bought me. I love that my mom supports me in my journies even if she doesn't agree with or like what I do. I get a lot of support from my family and my artist friends. 

  These are some ideas that I am currently working on.
The top necklace is styled with gold safety pins and pearls.
This necklace is made from antiqued brass chain and grey heart charms.
I bought a few skeleton keys a week ago and am just now getting to design some necklaces around them.